Keyboard Game (Protect That Burger)
Learn Unity Tile System for building fast 2D levels
Learn Some Basic A* Path Finding AI
Accomplished Theme.
Game has potential I feel.
Learned My Objectives.
How I came up with THIS GAme:
Initially I jumped between a whole bunch ideas ranging from using multiple keyboards, to mashing your head against to the keyboard. I ended up coming with the idea where players could modify the environment around them based upon random keyboard inputs.
As the player, using potentially the whole keyboard. The player has to type indicated inputs on the screen to open and close doors. Players have to stall the monsters as long as possible from reaching the burger in the center.
What went right:
I learned a lot by playing with the Unity Tile System, and a A* AI path finding package.
Got full game loop within the game
Game is kind of fun.
What went wrong:
Nothing really.