Game Engineer

Bach Fugue Game

Bach, Little Fugue in G Minor Game (Build)



  • Bach, Little Fugue in G Minor Theme.

  • Determine what it means to be inspired by music to make a game.


  • Ended up with a game that I feel is a good inspiration from the song itself.

How I came up with THIS GAme:

After listening to the song a couple of times, I decided to break down how the song was making me feel, and what I was hearing. I came up with the following:

  • The song made me feel relaxed and sleepy.

  • The song used a series of repetitive notes commonly throughout the song

  • The song used a mixture of high and low tones when it would repeat

From that, I then did some reading about Fugues and why they were called Fugues. I then established some core game design goals to determine what type of game I wanted to make. I came with the following goals:

  • Game should be relaxing.

  • Game should have an aspect of repetitiveness. Yet some variance when it repeats

What went right:

I love the game I ended up with. The game was relaxing to play in my opinion, and I believe I possessed the right amount of repetitiveness. I believe I ended up with a game that could truly be inspired by a Fugue.

What went wrong:

Nothing Really.