Game Engineer

BetterWorld Game

Better World Game



  • Better World Theme. Global Warming

  • Mess with Shadows in 2D a bit

  • Mess with Shaders


  • Did not end up messing too much with shaders.

  • Didn’t learn as much as I would want to.

  • I guess I got the theme.

How I came up with THIS GAme:

The day Global Warming is solved. Is the day it already is happening, or has happened.

I Imagined a world where people have alternative means of gathering energy. Such as Solar Panels. And in such a world, a person made a funny game about trying to capture light with solar panels because of how large of an energy crisis humanity has.

So I made a game about a guy running around gathering sunlight with a solar panel.

What went right:

  • Core game loop is there.

  • Light masking effect is cool.

  • A bit funny.

What went wrong:

  • Didn’t learn as much as I wanted to.

  • Didn’t get a chance to mess with shaders.

  • Game is meh in my opinion. I feel like have an issue of not being experimental enough with my games.