Goodbye - 2019
Goodbye is a narrative focused game that uses a Ouija Board alternative controller, along with the Tobii Eye Tracker to control the player’s actions and interactions.
Built in Unity
Of all the things I learned about by working on Goodbye, I learned about the game development pipeline the most. Early on and throughout most of development, we ran into various issues where we couldn’t come to a consensus on where we were trying to go with the game. We were trying to force the usage of the Ouija Board alternative controller, and we were jumping around in terms of scope and art style. Our pre-production stage of development within the project was too short, and we should have spent more time getting a clearer vision of the game instead of rushing into development.
My Contributions
As Lead Engineer I performed the following:
Built Oujia Board alternative controller using various circuits, magnetic sensors, and a arduino.
Built dynamic node based event system that would allow one to cascade one event after another. System utilized a trigger interface as well as a event interface to allow flexibility of construction of various trigger and event scenarios. Allowed us to construct a 5 part event scenario in under a week.
Created various events with interface that include: animation event, movement event , material lerp event, sound event, etc.
Created various triggers with interface that include: end of animation trigger, end material lerp trigger, observation trigger (player happens to observe a certain object), etc.
Organized and prioritized engineering development tasks.