Eye of the Swarm
Eye of the Swarm - 2015
Eye of the Swarm was made by a team of 11 over the course of 5-6 months. As an experimental game, we wanted to try something new and explore ways in which a player could control a swarm.
Built in Unity.
If there was one thing I loved about this game, it was how experimental it was. We were in trying to find interesting ways for a player to control a swarm. My initial swarm prototypes involved variations of crowd movement and gravitation around nodes utilizing state machines.
If I’m being honest, this is also where I learned how to really program games. Props to my engineering colleagues Kyle Ray, and Michael Brown for teaching me so much on this project. They’re out there in the world right now, making the dreams of kids come true (by making video games).
My Contributions
As Team Lead I performed the following:
Handled company responsibilities.
Organized Team Agile Iterations.
Organized Design Sessions.
Organized Team to recover from a month of lost work.
Organized the publishing of the game.
Promoted team unity and collaboration.
Made official scope decisions.
As an Engineer I performed the following:
Built core boss AI behavior aspects using state machines and components.
Prototyped AI swarm behaviors using state machines.
Animated boss aspects using an animation controller.
Built level obstacles with unity collision systems and prefabs.