Escapen’stein - 2018
Escapen’stein was made by a team of 5 over the course of two weeks. Inspired by games like Super Meat Boy, players have to quickly navigate a level with their extendable hand.
Built in Monogame.
At first, working with Monogame seems very bare bones in comparison to an engine like Unity. However, I quickly fell in love with it due to how much control it seemed to give you. Unity has the issue of feeling like a black box sometimes, but with Monogame, you can get really low in how you implement things. That being said, I decided to challenge myself and venture down the path of attempting to implement my own physics and collision system. I knew systems out there existed like Box2D, but I wanted to get uncomfortable and learn something new. I have no regrets, and I learned so much.
My Contributions
As Lead Engineer I performed the following:
Build structure and framework within Monogame using instanced managers and entity inheritance.
Built custom physics and collision system. Primarily used AABB collision detection. Also added custom drag, gravity, and bouncing with the usage of vector math and vector reflection.
Built core hook shot mechanic, and added dangling mechanics. Faked dangling with anchors and 2D vector logic.
Built level generator to read in levels through a CSV File generated by the program “Tiled“. Which lead to the quick generation of levels.
Built various obstacle or different types of interactive tiles.
Built a custom particle system. Built so that particles would properly be garbage collected at the right time on update.
Optimized game by separating unnecessary checks from necessary. Such as only checking collisions with collidable terrain
I am really proud of the code I made for this one, and I was really happy with how much I learned from it.