Game Engineer

PBR and Subsurface Scattering

PBR and Subsurface Scattering


The Basis of this project was to implement basic Physically Based Rendering and Subsurface Scattering

PBR Implementation

I implemented Metallic Roughness Workflow based PBR.

  • Based upon Unreal Engine

  • Normal Distribution Function: Trowbridge-Reitz GGX

  • Geometry Function: Smith's method with Schlick-GGX

  • Fresnel Equation: Fresnel Schlick Approximation

One core idea is to maintain energy conservation when calculating the BRDF.

Shown in the code I wrote below you can see that. The function’s overall purpose is to calculate the ending BRDF value. Energy is not supposed to be added or removed from this function.


vec3 calculateBDRF(vec3 i_albedoColor, float i_roughness, float i_metallic, vec3 i_normalDir,vec3 i_toViewDir, vec3 i_toLightDir)
    // Inputs Needed
    vec3 halfAngleDir = normalize(i_toLightDir + i_toViewDir);
    // ---------------------- Ratio Reflected Light
    float normalDistributionF = distributionGGX(i_normalDir,halfAngleDir, i_roughness);// D
    float geometry = geometrySmith(i_normalDir,i_toViewDir,i_toLightDir, i_roughness); //G

    vec3 baseR = vec3(0.04); // base dielectric value held for most surfaces
    vec3 baseReflectivity = mix(baseR, i_albedoColor, i_metallic);
    vec3 fresnel = fresnelSchlickApproximation(halfAngleDir,i_toViewDir,baseReflectivity); //F This includes Ks already

    vec3 numerator = normalDistributionF * geometry * fresnel;
    float denominator = 4.0 * max(dot(i_normalDir, i_toViewDir),0.0) * max(dot(i_normalDir, i_toLightDir),0.0);
    vec3 cookTorrance = numerator / max(denominator, 0.001);
    vec3 reflectedLight = cookTorrance; // Also known as Specular. Already includes ks due to fresnel

    // ---------------------- Ratio Refracted Light
    vec3 ks = fresnel;
    vec3 kd = vec3(1.0) - ks; //Ratio of refracted light
    kd = mix(kd, vec3(0.0), i_metallic);

    vec3 fLambert = i_albedoColor / PI; // Surface Color of light absorbed and released to the eye
    vec3 refractedLight = kd * fLambert; // Also known as Diffuse

    return refractedLight + reflectedLight;

PBR Scenes I Generated

PBR Metal Sphere

PBR Wood Sphere

PBR Dirt Metal Sphere

PBR Metal Dragon

PBR Copper Dragon

PBR Fabric Dragon


Failed Subsurface Scattering Implementation

I initially tried to implement SSS via a back light method.

The idea is to fake SSS by essentially shining a back light on the dark side of a model. The angle at which this light is visible is done through modifying the dot product between the View vector and Normal Vector.

However, the look I ended up with didn’t look right in comparison to reference images that implemented the same thing. I believe the following led to this failure:

  • Lack of Proper Ambient and Global Illumination

  • Having a basic PBR implementation

  • Problems calculating the Thickness Map.

And so I decided to try a different method shown later.


float _Distortion = 0.10f; // 0.0 - 1.0
float _Power = 1.02f; // 0.0 - 10.0
float _Scale =  2.92f;// 0.0 - 10.0
float _Attenuation = 0.1f;
float thickness = abs(1.0 - i_thickness);

vec3 L = fragToLightDir;
vec3 V = fragToView;
vec3 N = i_normalDir;
vec3 H = normalize(L + N * _Distortion);
float VdotH = pow(clamp(dot(V, -H),0.0,1.0), _Power) * _Scale;
vec3 I =  _Attenuation  * (VdotH +  (calculateAmbientLighting(i_albedoColor)) ) * thickness ;

// Final add
vec3 translucentColor = (incomingLightColor) * I ;
lightOut += (BRDFColor * incomingLightColor * lambertCosLaw) + translucentColor;

Back Light Jade Dragon Attempt

Back Light Candle Dragon Attempt


Subsurface Scattering Implementation

The second attempt I made was to take one from the GPU gems book. I would use a light depth map along with properties about the known fragment to calculate light penetration into an object. Using this value, I would map it to an exponential function determining scattering light. The results were far more successful then the prior method.


  • The angle at which you can see the Scattering Color isn’t physically accurate. I’m think I can maybe combine the prior method with this one to get a more successful look.

  • Texture noise. I have issues getting rid of some texture noise that is showing up on the depth map that I need to resolve.



Jade Dragon NO SSS Color

Jade Dragon Some SSS Color

Smoke Jade Dragon with More Visual SSS