Game Engineer

Flap VR

Flap VR


Flap VR - 2018

Flap VR was made by a team of 6 over the course of two weeks. It is a virtual reality game that gives the player the ability to fly over a city with dadistic art style.

Built in Unity. Using Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and Mixed Reality Toolkit.

Working on a VR experience utilizing the Windows Mixed Reality Headset was pretty different from the norm for me. Interestingly enough, however, the hard part from the beginning wasn’t coming up with the calculations and code to detect motion control movement for flight, the hard part was figuring out how to make a build. Documentation on building and installing the experience was fairly scarce(As of 11/1/2018), so a lot of the time was spent playing with the Toolkit to figure out how to make a build. Overall, I enjoyed the experience for what I learned. When it comes to VR, the type of environment you work in seems to vary in some aspects in comparison to a standard environment.

My Contributions

As an Engineer I performed the following:

  • Built underlying structure and framework.

  • Integrated Windows Mixed Reality Toolkit Library into the project.

  • Built motion control detection for flying utilizing 3D linear algebra and states.

  • Built player controls for forward movement, turning, and lift.

  • Built physics interactions.

  • Prototyped various forms of flight controls.

  • Resolved various bugs in handling the Mixed Reality Toolkit

  • Handled building and deployment to device and presentation.